Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Spring Blooms!

We thoroughly enjoy our membership to the botanical gardens.  It was a wonderful spring break activity for us, and boy was the garden full of bloom!
 We always go look at the fountain before entering.  We are a family of routines.  :)
 So cooperative for my picture moments.  Notice the 3rd child?  It's Baymax, from Big Hero 6.  
 Mommy-son photos with the gorgeous tulips.   The other son took the pic.  Not bad!
The awesome sight looking toward the city on the overcast day.
 Taking a moment to smell the tulips.  
 We caught the final week of Orchid Daze.
 See the bullfrog?
 Bennett and Baymax
 Peter Rabbit's garden play.
Finally, dressing up like bugs before leaving for the day. 

Monday, April 6, 2015

Moments Like This

Nothing makes me happier than these two being sweet to each other.  Not even knowing I am watching, here they hold hands before entering the karate mat for today's class.  I'm really thankful Pro Martial Arts took Bennett, a 2 year old, so they could do this special activities together.  Usually, kids have to be 3.  I live for little moments like this. 

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Easter Sunday

He is risen!  Easter Sunday helped remind us that we are forgiven.  The boys loved bringing flowers to the cross and actively understanding more about Easter itself.  
 Bunny baskets
 Eager beaver is ready to go on his egg hunt out front.
 Bennett was more calm with his approach.
 Both were happy with their finds and ready to......
 dig right in!  
 MFUMC flowering cross.  Boys decorating it.
Then, we stopped by Granna and Opa's for Easter Lunch.  The boys got another basket from Granna and Opa.
Granna and Bennett looking for eggs in their yard.
 Trenton searches on his own.
 Bennett getting a little more help.  
 Two smiling faces!  They could find eggs year round if we let them.  Haha!
Trenton, delighted with his gummies inside some eggs.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Firepit Picnic

It's a firepit picnic night!
 Burning sticks and eating stew on the blanket.
 Stick 'em up!  Wait, is that a leprechaun?!
 Family moment......great evening, perfect weather.....doesn't get much better than this!
 S'mores at sunset.
Bed on Easter Eve with a full moon over our house.  Amazing!

Easter Egg Hunt at Church

What a beautiful day before Easter!  We brought the boys up to the church's egg hunt.  They enjoyed gathering eggs and all the Easter festivities the Marietta First organized.  
 Bennett 2 and Trenton 5......still delighted beyond belief at the sight of the dressed up Easter bunny!
 We saw the balloon artist before the hunt, so we were geared up in our hat, sword and holster the rest of the day.
Trenton already muddy if you can see.  We'll be in different pants for Easter Sunday tomorrow, I guess.
They were loving their carrot boxes goodies.  Then, it was on the petting animals.
 Oh he is so dang cute!
 Bunnies and chicks......a reminder of God's wonderful gifts!