Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Trenton has become rather fond of Berkeley dear. They often play chase....with Trenton chasing her around the island in our kitchen and Berkeley just walks in circles. Trenton is always wanted to "check in" with Berkeley, too, and see what she's doing. He (and she in return) is so loving towards her. It is adorable to see when he lays his head on her. I'm guessing she makes a nice pillow! :)

Monday, March 28, 2011

Berkeley Time

Trenton and Berkeley have formed an unique bond. Trenton has become extremely fond of her, chasing her around the island in the kitchen and gently lying his head on her when she is laying down. It is sweet to see!

My Fort

Daddy helped me make a fort from our pillows and blankets this morning. It was fun having my milk in there, even though I soon started knocking down the walls.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

East Cobb Park and Wisteria Wonderland

How lucky is Trenton to have a day with both of his grandmas?! GiGi and Granna took Trenton to the park for a picnic and day of playing. He loved climbing on all the equipments, walking the trails, and running around fearlessly like toddlers do. Everything in Marietta seems in full bloom. So, later that afternoon, we were able stage some pictures of Trenton with the beautiful wisteria that hung so beautifully over a neighbor's fence. Trenton really didn't like the idea that we wanted him still for a few pictures. Nevertheless, we were able to capture a couple good shots. As soon as we headed back home in his wagon, he was back to his babbling. Guess he got his way and was telling us all about it! East Cobb Park with Granna and GiGi
Trenton's always in the driver's seat! :)

Let's go home!!!!!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Little Leprachaun Luncheon

Happy St. Patrick's Day a couple days late! Since many of us were not able to celebrate the holiday during the week because of our little ones, we hosted a Little Leprachaun Luncheon in the park in our neighborhood. We had yummy pesto pasta salad, chicken salad spinach wraps, green chocolate covered strawberries, and fabulous spinach dip--just to name a few--all of which followed the green theme. The kids enjoyed the beautiful 80 degree weather and running around with each other. The daddies planned cornhole and the mommies kept the boys out of the streets!

Trenton seems to be trying to lose a nap. Consistently on the weekend he sleeps until close to 8 in the morning, and then isn't ready to nap until after lunch. We will see if he actually drops it on a regular basis or not.

Our family dressed in green.

The mommies and the lephrachauns.

Trenton and Will get into their bumbo chairs for food.
Trenton and one of the Powell twins--I think it is Sawyer but it is hard to tell from this angle!
Just fixin' the mower!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Spring Fever

We went to Franklin, TN to see Daddy's family and some of their family friends. It was a nice weekend and it definitely gave us a taste of spring fever! We spent almost all weekend outside playing. The cousins had so much fun together! From cornhole and croquet to t-ball and trap ball, a game was always in action. Plus, the kids had several of their toys out. The yard was decorated nicely with activity and games.

Everytime we're together, we kid around about how big Trenton's appetite is and how he isn't the slightest bit of a picky eater. We are thankful for this right now because it makes meal time so easy and convenient. After each meal, Riley and Chase's plates were still full. We'd let Trenton try their food and he'd eat all of it in addition to his food. We called him the little disposal. He'd just smile in delight at the new food he was getting to try. He certainly is a busy, growing boy with a fast metabolism!

We were glad that the Pittman/Culloms were there visiting, too, so we could catch up with them. They had a special little present for Trenton, Riley and Chase, zu zu pets. Trenton got a kick out of his dog, Murphy, who would bark, spin and dart across the floor. Thank you for the sweet gift!

We are missing everyone already!

Trenton tested out his dvd player on the car ride between Marietta and Franklin. One guess what he watched.....Baby Einstein!

Chase, Trenton and Riley enjoyed playing in the tent.

Riley showed Trenton how to ride the roller coaster. From then on out, that was all he wanted to do!

He even knew how to push it back to the starting location.

Riley remembered Trenton's monster pajamas from her visit to Marietta so she picked them out for Chase too. They were cute in matching PJs!

Trenton is wearing Daddy's superman cape that Great Grandma had made when Daddy was a little boy.

Bathtime is fun-time! The cousins always want to take their baths together and it is so cute!

Trenton and Mrs. Cindy

Mommy and Aunt Suzy were on a croquet team together. The "V" is for victory!

Trenton danced to the music with Miss Nicki

Trenton was on our team for cornhole.

It was a beautiful day to be outside!

Trenton wants to play croquet.

Now, he wants to play frisbee.

Or, he'd rather push the car.

GiGi reads Trenton and Chase a book.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Georgia Aquarium

Happy Birthday, Granna! For Granna's birthday, we surprised her with a trip to the Georgia Aquarium. This was a neat experience since Trenton was the perfect age to really start to enjoy activites like this. He was very alert and looking all around at the countless fish. The huge whale sharks and enormous manta rays caught his eye through the tunnel walk. It was nice that the aquarium was so child-friendly because Trenton could walk right up to the glass for an upclose and personal experience with the animals. He especially enjoyed that. When we were at the beluga whale tank, he would laugh and yell "boo" at the whales who circled their tank swimming by the glass during each lap. He pertty much enjoys telling anyone "boo" these days--guess we've played peek-a-boo quite a bit! :)

Opa calls Trenton, "The Little Politician" because everywhere we go, Trenton walks up to people and smiles his contagious little smile and waves hi. He is a friend to all! Two little girls became Trenton's best buds at one exhibit and he grinned from ear to ear as he toddled around with them laughing.

By the end of the trip, Trenton was exhausted. We were proud that he lasted over 3 hours at the aquarium. Like such a big boy, he never whined or became grumpy. Nevertheless, after and full belly from eating in the cafe and all the excitement of the various exhibits, he crashed in his Mommy's arm during the last Coral Reef walk. Literally, in a matter of five seconds he went from gazing at the jellyfish to happily dreaming. It was our sign to go home.

We thoroughly enjoyed our day at the Georgia Aquarium and celebrating Granna's birthday. We can't wait to all go back when Trenton is older! If a 1 year old can have that much fun, there is no telling how a older child will react!

Deepo was on display, but a 3D movie isn't something to do with a 1 year old.

Trenton enjoyed looking up at the tank overhead during the tunnel walk.

Trenton is amazed by all the fish!

Granna points out the whale shark to Trenton.

Happy Birthday, Granna!

Trenton would crawl out in the window indents for kids to get a closer look at the fish.

The floor to ceiling windows were ideal for Trenton, too, as he munches on his goldfish.

Daddy holds Trenton up to touch the starfish and sea anemones.

Some fish were really weird looking and others were colorful but all were fun to watch!

Trenton on Opa's lap.

Trenton is a friend to everyone. These girls loved him!

Look at me!!!


Trenton could climb on the ledges which was also lots of fun.

...........and to all goodnight!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Easter Bunny Pictures

Granna's friend Janine told us about a neat opportunity to take Easter pictures with live bunnies. So, Mr. Trenton, who loves animals, got to meet the bunnies this year! We dressed Trenton in his adorable Easter outfit, made sure his hair was nicely combed....the only problem was the bruise from the weekend that hadn't disappeared from his forehead yet! Thank goodness for photoshop! Pictures will arrive in April, so stay tuned!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Trenton and Aunt Jacquelyn

Trenton was able to hang out with Aunt Jacquelyn a lot recently. Lucky for them, the weather was gorgeous so they could play in the backyard or at the park. Our beautiful tulip tree was back in bloom, and this year, Trenton was fascinated with its blossoms. Trenton also enjoyed playing with Berkeley. They would chase each other around and Trenton even learned how to give her a treat! W