Monday, December 31, 2012

New Years Eve

We had a great New Years Eve with the Miller family.  Kevin cooked wings on the green egg, we had a champagne toast at 8:00 followed by blowers, sparklers, and crackers.  Not sure the boys favorite part but they obviously enjoyed the night. 
Kellan, Rylan, Bennett and Trenton gathered around the table for dinner.
Hey, who turned out the lights?
That's better.
Uh-oh!  It's falling again.  Sorry B. 
Welcoming in the new year a little early since we had an 8:00 celebration.
The boys getting ready for sparklers.
Happy New Year!
They got a kick out of them and were so careful. 
It was always disappointing when they went out.  Good thing we had two boxes of them!  :)
The aftermath of boys!

Highchair Turnover

The high chair is officially Bennett's.  Trenton had been hanging on to it for as long as he could.  He liked the height and enjoyed sitting in it to watch TV when he ate.  Well, with B eating more now, T got the boot.  Bennett enjoys watches his brother act crazy now while eating.  Silly boys!
Rice rusks for the first time.
He doesn't quite know what to think of them, though.  We'll give it another couple weeks and try again.
Trenton helps Daddy on the green egg.  I can tell they'll be out there a lot with this new Christmas present. 

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Boing! Boing! Boing!

Bennett is giggles and grins in his jumperoo for the first time.  We had been wanting to get this toy out of storage for some time but decided the best option would be to set it up when we took our Christmas tree down.  The time has come and B loves it. 
I just love those wide-mouthed smiles! 

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Leskoven Christmas

It was fun continuing the holiday season and celebrating Christmas with the Leskovens. 
Opa helps Bennett go through his stocking.  Trenton starts his mechanically work immediately after opening his drill and screw set. 
He was beyond excited about his giganitic spiderman!
Trenton's big present was a castle.  Bennett received Ballapalooza but Daddy will need to construct that.  :) 
Two little boys enthralled in play.
Trenton "helping" Bennett (aka Trenton getting to open more) and surprisingly he always wants to play with his presents too!
We made special photobooks for Granna and Opa. 

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas 2012

PJs check, Cookies check, Santa check......we're ready for Christmas 2012!  It was a great Christmas!
The kids gather around the empty tree in hope that Santa comes tomorrow morning.  (B was asleep or we would have thrown him in the mix.)
Trenton found his favorite ornament, Mickey Mouse. 
Riley and Trenton track Santa on the iphone.  Good ol' technology!  I think he was in Iceland at this point in the night.  :)
What an organized child!  Trenton lined up our stockings like this without any help.  I wish he'd do his toys like this.  Haha!
Daddy and Trenton leave milk and cookies for Santa and carrots for the reindeer. 
And Fritos.  Trenton thought he would want some of those.  :)
Santa's Plate:
First awake award goes to Bennett.  We wait patiently for his brother to wake up.
Santa listened!  Two fun toys from Santa were his scooter and chainsaw. 
Oh, and the spiderman mask was pretty cool, too!
Spiderman was a theme this year.  Trenton got his first spiderman electric toothbrush and was dying to use it with Daddy.    Bennett enjoyed his remote control and pop up friends.
Bennett got to watch The Bourne Supremecy with us while T napped.
B and G
Playing, playing, playing.
Merry Christmas everyone!

Monday, December 24, 2012

Tennessean Christmas

For the holidays this year, we traveled to Tennessee to spend it with Kevin's family. 
Bennett has such a contagious grin!
He loves looking at faces.
We played push the present on Christmas Eve.  The kids were funny to watch because it is a game where every time the word "right" or "left" is mentioned, you pass the present that direction.  Well, there is constant movement and you have to stay on top of it.  Those little ones received a present just to pass it on.  Each time they got one, they were excited and ready to open.....but it wasn't until the game was over that you actually open the present.  They'll enjoy it more as they get older.  :)
One present was this electronic arm wrestling game.  You had to push the button faster than your opponent to win.  The dads had fun with it. 
Bennett loved the teddy bear prize.

Singing, dancing and having a good time after Christmas Eve service.
All the grandkids with PaPaw and GiGi.  Riley-5, Hutch-1, Trenton-2, Bennett-6 months, Chase-3 (Talk about hands full!)
We tried.  I think it is funny how we are looking in different directions. 
A ramp was installed for Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Al so they didn't have to use the stairs.  Unfortunately, they were not able to make the trip to Tennessee this Christmas because of health issues.  However, we are happy to hear Great Grandpa Al is doing much better now!  We look forward to seeing them sometime soon and introducing them to Bennett!
Trenton was all about helping.  You can't keep tools out of this boy's hands!
So maybe it took a little longer than expected with the assistance of a 2 year old but Trenton had fun.
Bennett enjoyed some GiGi time.
Ryan and Kevin loved dressing up as kids.  GiGi got out their box of dress up clothes and the cousins played in them.
Who's scarie.....Trenton the dragon or GiGi in that crazy mask?
Bennett might be ready to eat some real food now.
He would not take his eyes off Trenton's breakfast.  Guess it is time to start with the good ol' puffs.
The boys are ready to open GiGi and PaPaw's presents.
The cousins came over to do this with us.
Bennett opens his first present with a little (perhaps a lot) of assistance.
Arhg!  Trenton liked his pirate costume.
It was fun to watch all the kids get so excited.
Bennett's big present was a Zebra horse that has lots of play activities.
Trenton's was a train table.  His cousin Chase and he received identical ones.