Friday, October 31, 2014

May the Force Be With You This Halloween!

We spent the cold Halloween night in our neighborhood.  There was a neighborhood party with activities and food, then we went trick or treating just us.  We got to go at our own pace and the boys had a good ol' time.  We made it to about 25 homes on this cool, drizzly night, which was perfect! Once back, not a single trick or treater came.  Although I thought the boys, especially T, would be disappointed by not handing out candy, but they were fine.  They just dug on in to their stash of chocolate!
 Granna and Opa coming over to wish us off to the Halloween party.
Mommy and Obi Wan Kanobi (oops!  I'd been calling him Luke Skywalker all the time!) and Yoda.
 Nothing can escape our force!
 Bennett and Chase, our best buddy down the street.
 Taking photos behind the trick or treat frame.
 Bennett and Mommy acting silly with the props.
 The little kids, all 5 and under.
 Bennett won the costume contest.
 He got a Mickey.  Trenton wished he won so we "shared" the stuffed animal.
 Knocking on doors!

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Who Needs Sleep?

We do!!!
 Road sleeping.......
 Stroller sleeping at Hollywood Studios.  Bennett fell asleep in 3D Muppets, stayed asleep with water spraying on him in The Little Mermaid, and remained asleep during the explosions of Indiana Jones.  Even on the go at a theme park he can sleep 4 hours!

 Bennett in Granna's arms......
or on the bench, caught up on sleep from the long days.
 Trenton crashed hard after the fireworks show and never woke until the next morning.
Nothing captures the exhausting of the day quite like this.  We finally made it to the resort around midnight with sleeping boys in our arms.  We transferred them straight to bed and called it a night.
 Kevin joins the snoozing after 14 hours at Magic Kingdom and additional hours of waiting in line for the shuttle ride home.  That was a mess, but would still do shuttle again.
So I guess it isn't at all surprising to see the boys catching up on sleep during our ride home.  They both got their 4 hour nap this day, and we were glad for that!

Around the Resort.

Even the days we just hung around Art of Animation were fun!  
 With swimsuits on, we head to the middle pool (biggest and has games during the day.)
 We checked out the various Cars along the way.
 Radiator Spring (the first pool closest to us) we passed by.
 Bennett checks out tow mater.
 The sidewalk was a "road" that weaved among other cars.
 I have no idea which car this is......
 Not minding the walk one bit when there is so much to see.
 The police car.....again, clueless on name.
 But, I do know this is Doc.
 The dropoff at the Finding Nemo pool.  It looks like in the movie when Nemo approached the drop off and just looked out.
 There was a splashpad Bennett really enjoyed.
Trenton swimming with Daddy in the main pool.
 Still running and splashing around before having a snack break.
 I have to give the resort credit for all the vibrant decor.  It really appeals to children.
 One game we played was name that show when a theme song played.
 The boys enjoyed holding up the signs each time.
 Wild man Trenton dancing while the songs played.
 There was a team relay game of gathering items with the claw.  Bennett surprised me by doing it all by himself.  He was really good fine motor skills.
Walking back after the pool to explore Granna and Opa's section of the resort. 
 We passed the Lion King section first.
 Followed by the Little Mermaid, where their room was.
 We found the treasure along the way!
Going back to the pool area for movie night.  They arranged pool chairs in rows to show a movie on the big screen.  It was Aristicats. We enjoyed ice cream while watching it.
 When Bennett started getting tired, I took him back, but the Cars along the way reenergized him momentarily.
 Before leaving, we had to test out the arcade.  Trenton enjoyed the flying and shooting game.
 Bennett watched on.
 Then we played a little air hockey.
 Before climbing on the playground.
 Granna and Opa were nice to get Trenton and Bennett toys to take back home.  Bennett got a Disney Pixar character kit and Trenton got a Toy Story specific one.  Great memories!