Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Happy 10 Month Birthday, Trenton!

Trenton has grown up so much this past month! Not only does he look more mature, he acts more mature. It became very obvious this month that he was all boy, and that he was going to give us a run for our money to keep him out of trouble! Anything and everything interests him, and we constantly have to stay on our toes.

Although he has always been well under weight, his chubby baby appearance has disappeared. He really has the lean, yet muscular, toddler look now, and as Opa says, "This boy is solid!" According to the last time they weighed him, he weighs a little over 19 lbs. It feels like we've been in size 3 diapers for eternity now but I'm sure he is working his way out of them soon.

Trenton still has only seven teeth this month, but is eating a whole lot more. He has started to enjoy more "human" foods now which haven't been completely pureed so a baby can eat them. As long as we tear his food into small pieces, he can eat pretty much anything. Mommy and Daddy like to take Trenton to breakfast because there are several foods easy for him to pick up and eat like biscuits and scrambled eggs. Also, Chick-fil-a has been a popular lunch spot because Trenton likes to eat the inside of a chicken strip. Plus, there is tons of activity at restaurants so Trenton is entertained the entire time! Just watch out for this social squealer. He may try to talk to you from across the room.

Trenton was lucky to have his Opa off each Thursday with Granna this past month. That is Trenton's favorite day because he gets to spend it with the grandparents. They enjoy morning "play" at McDonald's, walking the neighborhood, grocery shopping, and much more!

We have a crawling machine on our hands! Trenton absolutely loves maneuvering his way around the house on his little hands and knees and exploring everything. Our mornings are eventful. The funniest is when he traps you in the shower because he now pulls up on everything. He stands and bangs on the shower glass door. Of course, he just smiles and laughs at you as you attempt to persuade him to back up so you can get out. That little stinker! Then there is the toilet. Trenton now attempts to climb the toilet in curiosity of this odd shaped thing, and you definitely have to keep the toilet lid closed because he's been known to splash around with the water. As if the bathroom isn't enough, when you are in the last few moments of dressing and head into the closet, you think you would be in the clear. Before you know it, Trenton has followed you into the closet. Watch where you step--a munchkin is near!

Now that you know how much he moves, imagine trying to change his diaper. It's like changing a diaper on a moving target. Most of the time we think we have it on there good enough.

Our little guy has also acquired the nickname Trenton "Beaver" Wagers. He is all about gnawing on things (or people unfortunately!) We had to put a gummy cover on his crib rail to prevent any further damage from those little teeth. Things you just don't think are possible to chew on....cabinets, chair legs, door stoppers....whatever is in his crawling eye-sight, Trenton approaches mouth first ready for a good gnaw.

Lastly, Trenton is a splashing fool! Baths completely drench us these days, but he enjoys them so much that we don't mind. We just have to be really careful and are adamant about not letting him stand or crawl in the tub.

Look at my trick!

Oh, what is this I see?

It's another sign for me to play with!

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