Monday, January 10, 2011

Trenton's 1st Birthday

It was the best day to have a 1st birthday! Snow poured in Marietta last night resulting in nearly a half foot of snow on Trenton's birthday. We loved being home with Trenton and enjoying the day together.

Our day started with breakfast "cake"--a Leskoven family favorite, three cheese puff. We put a candle in it just for Trenton. He immediately picked up the entire piece and began shoving it into his mouth. We wonder how he will handle his real cake at his birthday party this weekend. We let Trenton open his present from us. We don't know how he feels about wearing the backpack, but Mommy knows it will come in handy!

We couldn't let the day pass without playing in the snow. Even though Trenton was little and not even really walking, we knew he get a kick out of sledding. Granna and Opa brought Mommy's old sleds from growing up over to the house this past weekend in preparation of the upcoming snow. Good thing we had them because Trenton loved Daddy pulling him around the neighborhood! In the beginning, he didn't really get the concept of holding on to the handles. With the slightest tug, Trenton fell face first over the edge of the sled and in the snow. However, this didn't bother him once. The smile was still there. Mommy let him taste some of the snow later on and he really got a kick out of this. We soon met up with our neighbors the Millers and played in the snow more. Rylan and Trenton loved sitting in the sled together and staring at each other. One day they will talk! We took them to the only possible incline in the neighborhood and gave them a push. They were so cute "racing" down the 10 degree incline! :)

After playing together some more with Rylan, the rest of his birthday was spent staying warm inside the house. It was a great birthday and we feel so lucky to have had such a memorable day with our baby (or should I now say toddler!) We love him so much!!!

Who needs a walker when you have Mommy's picnic basket?! Trenton pushed it all around the kitchen and maneuvered it around turns better than his toy walker.

Mommy gave me a graham cracker and I took it in the cabinet to eat.

1 comment:

  1. Cute pictures. Happy Birthday Trenton....We love you and can't wait to celebrate with you this weekend!! GiGi and PaPaw
