Saturday, January 15, 2011

Trenton's First Birthday Party!

We can't believe it is here....Trenton's 1st birthday! The snow this week (which is still thick on the ground!) worried us, but the party will go on! Opa shoveled the sidewalk, Granna made the Chili, PaPaw flew into town, and GiGi helped Aunt Suzy and the kids drive down from Nashville. We all were getting ready for the big day!

Trenton had a Baby Zoo animal birthday theme and Mommy went all out making banners for the different walls and decorating the room to fit the theme. It was so much fun for her! Trenton had his special 1st birthday hat and bib for the cake eating experience. We were set and ready for the guests.

We couldn't have asked for a better party. With 11 children, all under the age of 3 1/2, you wonder how chaotic the room would be. I'm proud to say, there was never a crying episode. Trenton must pick his friends wisely! :) The children loved the play area and toys set up there, but the biggest hit were the zoo animal beach balls.

The cake eating was probably the highlight of the party! Lots of people asked me how I thought he would react with all the people and their eyes glued to him. That was never a fear of mine with Trenton's friendly and social personality. I did wonder about his hat. Mommy was all excited to dress Trenton up for the event, but when Trenton immediately started tugging at his birthday hat, she got worried. Nevertheless, the instance the cake was in sight, the "annoying" hat thought had vanished from Trenton's mind. He was very particular with the cake. He stared at it first, gently took off the toy monkey, slowly scrapped off a little icing and then stuck his face completely into the cake and the eating began. Who knows how much cake he actually got, but one thing was for certain. He liked the taste of the cream cheese icing!

Presents followed the cake. This was hilarious. We had helpers opening presents for us, climbers enjoying the boxes, babies playing with tape and ribbon.....lots going on at once. We laughed at the thought that we'd lost control at one point when we looked around and not one kid was doing the same thing. The best part was the kids were having the time of their lives, though. Mommy and Daddy ended up opening the rest of the presents while the kids played.

We want to thank everyone who came to the party for celebrating this special day with our family! It wouldn't have been the same without you there! Trenton is extremely blessed to have such wonderful friends and family in his life. We especially want to thank Granna and Opa for all their help getting the clubhouse ready for the party! We couldn't have done it without you!

Trenton, you were fun to watch! We can't believe you're already one! You are growing so fast! May your 2nd year be as blessed as your 1st! We love you!

Mommy loved planning and decorating for Trenton's party!

Trenton's adorable high chair attire.

GiGi and Trenton in the play area before guests arrived.

The cake

Mommy and the birthday boy!

Happy 1st Birthday, Trenton! We love you!

Trenton and Rylan scout out the gift area.

Trenton loved playing with the zoo animal beach balls.


The play area. The Dads are taking charge!

What is this Mommy put on me?!

He wasn't so sure about that hat, and it was hard to keep it on his head at first!

He was about to pull it off again when something caught his eye.....the cake!
Granna and Daddy bring the cake to Trenton. Make a wish my dear little boy!

Trenton checks out his cake as Daddy watches on.

Our meticulous child started by pulling off the toy monkey before going for the good stuff.
The last "Are you sure I'm supposed to dig in?" look.
That's how you do it, Trenton!
We think he liked it!

We had to get a picture with our cute, green monster!

Mommy and Daddy came in to get a bite of Trenton's yummy cake.

Chase was interested in putting tape on my nose.
And Trenton was intrigued with the ribbon.

So, Mommy and Daddy ended up opening most of the presents.
Who needs presents when ribbons, tape and boxes are the hit items? Will, Riley and Trenton are living proof!

Bath time was fun with the cousins in the tub together! What a great ending to a memorable day!

Trenton had to play with his new toys and little more before bed. He loved pushing his new lawn mower throughout the house. We can't wait until it is warmer so he can work on the grass with Daddy!


  1. mmmmmmmm little naked girls all alone the fun I would have

  2. wonder if daddy taught her to suck c--k yet

  3. First birthdays are always an occasion to remember. I still have old pictures of my son’s first birthday in the family album and it brings a wide smile on my face. Fast forward to today and my son’s a grown man now. He got married few days ago and we’ll be having a nice reception at San Francisco wedding venues tomorrow.
