Saturday, March 12, 2011

Spring Fever

We went to Franklin, TN to see Daddy's family and some of their family friends. It was a nice weekend and it definitely gave us a taste of spring fever! We spent almost all weekend outside playing. The cousins had so much fun together! From cornhole and croquet to t-ball and trap ball, a game was always in action. Plus, the kids had several of their toys out. The yard was decorated nicely with activity and games.

Everytime we're together, we kid around about how big Trenton's appetite is and how he isn't the slightest bit of a picky eater. We are thankful for this right now because it makes meal time so easy and convenient. After each meal, Riley and Chase's plates were still full. We'd let Trenton try their food and he'd eat all of it in addition to his food. We called him the little disposal. He'd just smile in delight at the new food he was getting to try. He certainly is a busy, growing boy with a fast metabolism!

We were glad that the Pittman/Culloms were there visiting, too, so we could catch up with them. They had a special little present for Trenton, Riley and Chase, zu zu pets. Trenton got a kick out of his dog, Murphy, who would bark, spin and dart across the floor. Thank you for the sweet gift!

We are missing everyone already!

Trenton tested out his dvd player on the car ride between Marietta and Franklin. One guess what he watched.....Baby Einstein!

Chase, Trenton and Riley enjoyed playing in the tent.

Riley showed Trenton how to ride the roller coaster. From then on out, that was all he wanted to do!

He even knew how to push it back to the starting location.

Riley remembered Trenton's monster pajamas from her visit to Marietta so she picked them out for Chase too. They were cute in matching PJs!

Trenton is wearing Daddy's superman cape that Great Grandma had made when Daddy was a little boy.

Bathtime is fun-time! The cousins always want to take their baths together and it is so cute!

Trenton and Mrs. Cindy

Mommy and Aunt Suzy were on a croquet team together. The "V" is for victory!

Trenton danced to the music with Miss Nicki

Trenton was on our team for cornhole.

It was a beautiful day to be outside!

Trenton wants to play croquet.

Now, he wants to play frisbee.

Or, he'd rather push the car.

GiGi reads Trenton and Chase a book.

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