Saturday, April 30, 2011

At the Zoo

For Christmas, we gave Granna a season pass to the zoo. We just knew she would love to take Trenton there since her children enjoyed the zoo so much when they were younger. So, as the first outing there, we all decided to go. The weather was perfect and the park offered lots of shade. It was perfect for a 1 year old boy. He could wander around aimlessly, although we had to watch out for the on coming traffic of legs at times so he wouldn't get knocke over, then want to be held to see something. We managed to see it all.....the pandas, the elephants, the name it. Atlanta's zoo has tons to offer!

Trenton liked popping his head through the face holes for various animals.

In the parakeet house, Granna and Trenton were still enough for a parakeet to land and eat their "seed stick." Trenton watched in amazement!

Trenton in the petting zoo was hilarious. Out of all the goats and sheep in there, of course Trenton wandered up to the one who peed and pooped right there in front of us.

Giddy up, Komodo Dragon! I think Trenton is doing "Pony Boy" on the statue. This one was perfect to climb on!

Trenton, Daddy and Willie B.....he's only a statue Trenton

Trenton loved the zoo, but he was on his last leg here. Sometimes I think he's tired of all our pictures.....I wonder what makes me think that. Hmmm.

Trenton was hilarious when we tried to get a picture with Granna and Opa. He wrapped his arms around Granna's face and pulled her to him. I think he was delirious by this point. Good thing we were back at the beginning and about to leave for the day.

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