Saturday, April 23, 2011

Church Easter Egg Hunt

Trenton had his second Easter Egg Hunt today. It was our church one, so Granna and Opa met us there to watch the festivities. Trenton was not too anxious to pick up the eggs himself, although he loved watching all the excitement of the kids around him. We got a whopping 4 eggs; however, one was a special egg and in return, Trenton got a Bruster's Icecream gift card. That is one of Mommy's favorite treats! Way to go, Trenton!

Perhaps the highlight of Trenton's egg hunt was seeing the Easter Bunny. When he caught glimpse of this creature, off he went down the grassy hill to the Bunny. Trenton was in awe of the gigantic bunny and watched curiously as he hugged, high fived, and took picture with kids.

Daddy, Mommy and Trenton at the Easter Egg Hunt.

Is it time yet? You'd think he'd take off fast for the eggs with this stance, but no.

Trenton looked precious as he waited for the egg hunt to begin.

Everyone gathers around Trenton encouraging him to pick up the egg. I can only imagine what Trenton is thinking about his crazy parents and grandparents!

They show Trenton exactly where his egg goes.

Enough egg hunting, let's just walk around!

Trenton found a special egg and won a Bruster's gift card! Woohoo! That's my boy!

Granna, Trenton and Opa....I think Trenton caught sight of the Easter Bunny and is anxious to get over to him.

Trenton walked right up to the Easter Bunny. No fear in this boy!

He loved to watch the Easter Bunny interact with the children.

Granna takes Trenton to visit the Easter Bunny one more time before leaving, and Trenton gives him a big high five.

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