Sunday, May 22, 2011

We had a great evening inviting Mommy's college friends over for dinner. We rarely have the opportunity to get everyone together these days with their busy schedules, so it was a well-awaited event. Outside, we set up cornhole, fired up the grill, and sat back and caught up on life. Thanks girls for taking the time to come over. Trenton (and myself) enjoyed the night!

Mrs. JJ had the best toy i-phone! And plus, she knew all the cool games to show Trenton. He walked around the entire night with it in his hand. (Someone is good with kids!)

Daddy takes a break from cornhole to push Trenton around in his wheelbarrel, which by the way, is not meant for kids to ride in. Nevertheless, Trenton insisted, even with one wheel broken.

Trenton watches cornhole like a big boy in his very own camping chair. He doesn't want to be left out of anything!

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