Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Playdate at the Zoo

With Granna's Zoo Atlanta pass, we've decided to go to the zoo once a month as a fun outing for Trenton. The zoo is so neat because it not only has the animals which catch children's attention, but there are numerous playgrounds for them to explore and the entire place is practically all the in shade. Woohoo! This go round, we invited our neighbors Mrs. Jaren, Rylan, and baby Kellan along for the excursion. The boys were adorable running up to exhibits investigating what was going on beyond the fence.

Trenton and Rylan ran up the flamingos right away.

Little copy cats, huh? Even the strangest creatures, like vultures, sparked their interested.

Look! It's Trenton the lion!

Granna shows Trenton the giraffes. Some exhibits needed adult assistance to see the animals well.

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