Sunday, January 12, 2014

JJ's Baby Shower

It was fun throwing a baby shower for my good friend Jessica.  She is the first of our college girls to have a baby girl.  We needed a little estrogen to join the 6 boys.  We can't wait to meet Baby Busbee in February!
 The cake.....
 Predicting the due date....
 with footprint stamps. 
 diaper wreaths
 with a luvie and a poodle that reminds me of Jackson 
 Candy bar for JJ's sweet tooth
 presents galore!
 Tissue paper balls
 salad menu.....chicken salad, fruit salad, pasta salad, and green salad
 The momma to be with the hostesses, Kinsey, me and Allison
 Of course this baby will be a UGA gal!  The homemade dress from Nana.
All the college girls could make the shower (plus a FSU adopted in!) Back Row: Grayson, Tobin, Kinsey, JJ, Alison, Cheryl.  Front Row: Mary, me, Melanie

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