Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Day

This year there is an extra Valentine in our lives....Trenton! Nevertheless, it was a simple Valentine's Day for us. Mommy put together picture frames with some of Trenton's baby photos for the two men in her life, and Daddy gave Mommy a pedi/mani gift certificate. As quickly as it had fallen, the snow had melted and it was a sunny and warm day (for February.) So, we decided to take Trenton on his first walk around the neighborhood. Daddy called pusher....who knew it was going to be competition to push little Trenton! :) We really enjoyed this outside time because we'd been pretty cooped up in the house for the past few weeks.
Granna and Opa brought over a Valentine package for us and gave Trenton his "First Valentine's Day" outfit to wear and his birth block as a keepsake. They stayed with him while Kevin and I enjoyed dinner at Bluepoint in Buckhead. (Mommy had been craving sushi and hadn't eaten it since before she was pregnant!) We planned to run some errands afterward, but forgot stores closed early since it was Sunday. Yes, we hadn't been out in that long! I think the "babysitters" were a bit bummed when we arrived back at the house relatively early. :) It was our first official date night since Trenton had been born but we look forward to many more!

Mommy with her two Valentine's!
Our babysitters, Granna and Opa
Trenton 5 weeks

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