Monday, March 29, 2010

Dancing Date Nights = Time with Granna and Opa

For Christmas, Kevin gave me dance lessons. We waited until March to start them. Each Monday afternoon Mommy and Trenton would head over to Granna and Opa's house so that they can watch him while we go on our date night. It was real fun because we get to go on a walk with Opa--luckily it has been a pretty nice March--then Granna would get home to join in the fun. I think the first night there Trenton tried out every piece of baby equipment in the house. Opa called it musical chairs for Trenton. Then, they would meet us up at the dance studio to drop Trenton back off with us or we'd swing back by to get him. I think one lesson they learned really fast how much in advance you have to get ready to leave the house with a newborn. Trenton loves his time with Opa and Granna and I know they do to!

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