Saturday, March 27, 2010

Road Trip

Trenton took his first road trip to Indiana this week for Great Grandma's 80th birthday party. Since it would have been a 10 hour drive, we decided to break the trip up by stopping in Nashville to spend the night on our way to and from Indiana. Plus, Trenton had just started to develop better sleeping patterns by sleeping over five hours the previous two nights so maybe we could keep this pattern up. (In all honestly, we knew the trip was bound to throw him off; however, we attempted to travel during his sleeping times to encourage his lengthy night sleeping.) It worked pretty well. We left Marietta after Daddy got home from work Wed. night, and had a funny start to the trip. As soon as we had finished loading the car, setting the house alarm, and buckling Trenton into his car seat, a little "explosion" occurred. We hadn't even pulled out of the driveway yet! Nevertheless, perfect timing--we quickly turned off the car, disabled the alarm, and changed his diaper. Can you imagine if we had just started up 75 and had to already pull over to change him?! I think Daddy may have freaked a bit!

We quickly learned the best place to stop along the way was Cracker Barrel. This allowed time for Trenton to stretch his legs while out of his car seat, an atmosphere that stimulating for Trenton, and the best changing area possible! To to it off, they are practically at every exit, too. Sure beats a fast food restaurant or gas station any day!

We also were able to spend time with PaPaw's family while in Indiana for Grandma's 80th (GiGi's side.) It was a great opportunity to introduce the family to Trenton.

We never would have thought a 2 1/2 month old baby could have done so well on a road trip! He slept the entire time and was only awake at our stops. Mommy did crawl into the back once because we thought Trenton was about to get fussy but luckily that never occurred and he drifted off to sleep again. Now it is back into the routine--I'm sure it will take a few days to get accustomed to our typical days but it was great to see everyone!

Trenton on his first road trip to Indiana.

Four generations: Daddy, GiGi, Trenton, and Great Grandma

Great Grandma with Trenton

Erin with Trenton

Alissa with Trenton

Nora with Trenton

Playing in the hotel with Daddy and GiGi.

Too cute because you get a nice look at his tucked thumb.

Don't you just wonder what he is thinking?

Riley was a huge help and would called Trenton "cousin" which was adorable!

Great Grandma's 80th birthday party

At the party

Our family with Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Al.

Trenton doesn't know quite what to think of this!

Look how Trenton grabs Daddy's finger while drinking his bottle--so cute!

My little man!
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