Sunday, April 4, 2010

Trenton's First Easter

The Easter Bunny came! Trenton and Daddy woke up Sunday morning to Easter eggs hidden in our backyard. They couldn't wait to get outside and find them! We went to church with GiGi, PaPaw, Opa, Granna, Uncle Brad, and Aunt Jacquelyn after the hunt. Not only did Trenton sleep through Dr. Sam's sermon, he slept through all our pictures, too. :) Then, we enjoyed a brunch at our house quickly before PaPaw flew back to Memphis (GiGi got to stay an extra day so we were lucky!) Of course we needed to get some pictures of Trenton in his Easter outfit with those huge Easter eggs so we stopped by Granna and Opa's house. We couldn't figure out how to position him with the eggs and then we remembered the bumbo seat. Trenton was a bit of a bobble head since he wasn't even 3 months old, and the hill incline didn't help either--it just made his head fall even further forward! We laughed and laughed at how funny he looked in the bumbo chair. Gotta love these new baby inventions that weren't around when we were younger! Thankfully, he managed to hold his head up well enough for the pictures. We enjoyed spending Trenton's first Easter with our family!

Here's some in the tree.

Daddy and Trenton are having so much fun finding eggs!

Another one is spotted!

Marietta First United Methodist Church's park
Both sets of Grandparents

GiGi, Trenton and PaPaw

Trenton and Uncle Brad
The men

Granna, Trenton and Opa

Trenton in his bumbo seat at Granna and Opa's house.

Who's this funny guy?

It's hard to keep this neck straight!
So sweet!

This is fun now!
Trenton 12 weeks old.
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1 comment:

  1. What adorable pictures!! Granna did a great job with the Easter decor; great photo ops!! Trenton is just a cutie; great family pictures!
