This month, Trenton added the boppy pillow and swing to his new favorite hangouts. He uses these things on a daily basis. This strengthens his independence. Mommy can now complete two tasks in a day. :) He pays so much attention to things around him and has started following Mommy and Daddy around the room with his eyes. It is so sweet! When he first wakes up, he just lays in bed wide eyed for a good while never crying out. It is like he is just taking in the world around him. We only notice he is awake because of the video monitor and then go in to get him after a few minutes. His newest fascination is ceiling fans--moving or off. Those little eyes stare in wonder at the device.
We also have learned to use the front porch more since the weather has been absolutely beautiful. It has become a popular spot for Mommy and Trenton to relax on during the afternoon. One thing Trenton loves to do is to lay on a thick blanket and kick around cooing. The fresh air is so nice and we enjoy this time together.
Trenton definitely found his hands this month. He is constantly gripping them, playing with them, or sucking on them. Somehow he manages to knock himself in the face every now and then, and then looks at you perplexed because he has no clue what just happened. Since he never really got the hang of the pacifier, the hand is perfect for soothing him. It is a dead give-away that he is getting tired, and if you catch this early, putting Trenton to sleep is a piece of cake. When he does get fussy, the bathroom fan or washer/dryer seems to do the trick. This helps keep Mommy on top of the laundry, too! :)
Good bye incline! Daddy ended up lowering Trenton's mattress to the flat position again. This squirmy little guy always ended up at the bottom of the mattress sideways, and Mommy was constantly having to pull him to the top throughout the night. Plus, we realized since he was always on his stomach, the incline really wasn't serving its purpose with the reflux problems. Speaking of reflux, Trenton's reflux is much better. However, he still is taking some medicine but we hope to stop it completely soon.
Trenton's mullet is better than ever. He honestly is starting to lose most of it on top, too, but the lower back section is still hanging on strong. The hair growing in appears to be much lighter, so we'll have to see what hair color he ends up with. His eyes have also lighten a bit from the dark blue so it appears the a light blue color will stick for good.
The catnaps have transformed into longer naps finally. We learned that Trenton napped best on Mommy and Daddy's bed, which was a pillow-top mattress. So, we bought a quilted mattress pad for Trenton's bed and the problem was solved. He typically goes down for a long early morning nap, followed by a short lunchtime one. Then, he has a long afternoon nap followed by a short evening one. This allows him to stay up until about 9 or 10, when he usually goes down to bed, and it also avoids the fussy hours of 6-8. He now only wakes up once during the night, usually around 3:00 to nurse. Not too bad, but we sure are looking forward to the disappearance of the 3:00 feeding (well, Mommy is!)
Did I really think I could keep the sign in the picture? Trenton keeps knocking if over with his newly found hands.
Trenton is excited about his 3 Month birthday!
He loves napping on Mommy and Daddy's bed.
Ok, so the baby mullet hasn't got any better yet. :) I'm sure it eventually will!
This is why we had to fix Trenton's mattress!
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