Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Now We're Talking

I used to think 5 hours of sleep in a row was awesome, but Trenton suddenly extended the time and this is really, really awesome! Last Thursday, Trenton slept for eight hours straight! He barely made a peep all night and woke up just before 6:00 in the morning. Ok, so now I knew he could last from a night feeding to the morning. Friday night I was determined for it to happen again, even if I had to let him cry it out for a bit. But, I didn't have to let him cry it out--thank goodness because that wouldn't have been fun. He did wake around 2:00 this night but only tossing and turning for a few minutes. Before I knew it, he was back asleep. This continued on Saturday, which was a critical night because I was told once a baby did something three times in a row, a routine was established. Myth or not, it worked for Trenton. Night four was the same routine of going to bed around 9:00 and getting up around 6:00 or 7:00. Last night, (night five) he couldn't even stay up until 8:00, and he still slept until I had to wake him to nurse at 6:30. I am loving this!!!! We are so proud! Night six is tonight. I don't want to jinx us, but this sure is a good pattern! :)

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