Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Treats for Uncle Brad

Every year Mommy makes Uncle Brad treats during tax season. This year was no different. There was just a special helper to make the process even more fun--Trenton. He was Mommy's little helper as we made pretzel kisses and a cheese ball to drop off at Uncle Brad's office. Trenton really enjoyed stopping by to visit his Uncle Brad. He even sported his "Uncle Brad Rocks" onesie that Aunt Jacquelyn made at one of our baby showers. Trenton can't wait for April 15th so he can play more with his Uncle Brad!

Trenton is a good little helper in his bumbo seat.

Here is a good look at his Uncle Brad Rocks onesie.

Helping Mommy make treats for Uncle Brad.

Stopping by Uncle Brad's office to drop off the goodies.

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