Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Eating Solids

We gave Trenton his first solid foods today, if that is what you can call it. The rice cereal is still completely a liquid for the baby's first helpings, but still, it was with a spoon so we're counting it. At first Trenton seemed to be more curious about the bib. He wanted that in his mouth. Pretty much anything these days goes into the mouth as I'm sure you have learned from the pictures on the blog! Once Mommy could get the bib out long enough to shove a spoonful of rice cereal in, Trenton realized he liked that, too. He probably only ate about an ounce of rice cereal but I think that is perfectly fine for his first time with it.

Trenton loved his bib.

Is this what I'm supposed to eat?

Mmmm, this is even better!

Still eating......

Ok, I'm full!

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