Sunday, May 2, 2010


Trenton had a fun day playing on his play mat. Just recently he has really started talking more--almost screaming at times because he is so excited. You don't even need to entertain him for this, he just starts going wild with noises. He also has begun to raise his head up and smile at you for a good while. He likes that position and is so strong for a 3 month year old. Sleeping on his stomach has probably strengthen his neck muscles a good deal. Plus, since he sleeps on his belly, he does "head up" pose once he wakes. Plus, he wiggles at the same time, so he ends up working his way up the mattress. This boy will be crawling before we know it!

Mommy's little cutie pie!

Great Grandma made Trenton this blanket, and it is the perfect play mat because of its softness. Trenton loves it!

Trenton loves to lift he head and smile at you. I think he is the spitting image of Kevin in the picture--or at least Kevin's baby pictures.

Hmmmmm, what should I do now?

Too many toys to play with at once.

Trenton 16 weeks old

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