Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Tomatoes and Hummingbird!

All our watering in the bjorn has paid off! Our first tomatoes turned from green to red this week! Trenton and Daddy picked them after work, and Mommy and Daddy had them with our dinner. Now, we look everyday to see if we have new tomatoes turning red. We can't wait to see more ripen and go pick them!

In addition to the tomatoes, our gladiolus are blooming nicely. Each morning around 10:00 we see a hummingbird in our backyard sucking nectar from the blossoms. He travels from flower to flower before zooming off. (We'll have to take a picture on it the next time we see it and add it to the blog.) Daddy says we can hang a hummingbird feeder now that we know they are around our house. This is exciting! Who know what else we might see?!

Our first two red tomatoes.

Daddy and Trenton pick the ripen tomatoes.

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