Thursday, June 10, 2010

Happy 5 Month Birthday!

I don't know where the time is going? Trenton is now 5 months old! Crazy! We didn't have a doctor's appointment this month, so unfortunately do not really know Trenton's weight. We put him on our scale at home but can only tell the pounds since it isn't geared toward a baby ounces. And just so you know, we contemplated putting him in the produce scale at the grocery store for a more accurate reading then our scale at home but figured we might get a few weird looks. So, we're just going to say he is about 15 lbs. Sounds about right to us.

Our growing boy started a lot of thing for the first time this month. He began eating solids and drinking water. We kind of just stumbled across the water thing. I don't think I ever told Kevin that he started drinking water either, and one day he was rattling his glass in front of Trenton. He thought Trenton liked hearing the ice shake in his glass but I had to inform him he was only teasing him and that Trenton wanted a sip. He was amazed as Trenton took a tiny sip of his water. Now it is hard to have a glass in front of Trenton because he wants some. When he hears you filling up your glass at the refrigerator, he instantly turns his head to look. When you pull a glass toward your mouth, his mouth opens. It is really cute to watch.

Trenton really enjoys eating food, too. We have only tried rice cereal, bananas, and apples today. It seems to be going well, but the change in his diet has definitely effected his digestive system. Let's just say we were praying for a dirty!

We have wondered for awhile now if Trenton is teething. No teeth have popped up yet, but his drool is out of control. In addition, everything (and we mean everything!) goes into his mouth. When I'm holding him, he'll start grabbing at my face and kissing me. I think this is because I'm always kissing all over him. Before I know it, he is gnawing on my chin. It is hard to tell if his gums are swollen, though, so who knows how soon (or far) the teething stage actually is.

As he has grown, his desire for more activity has become obvious. Everyday he uses his exersaucer, doorway jumper, and activity mat. The doorway jumper is still a little too big for him, but he loves spinning himself around and gets excited knowing you are watching him. Although his attention span at these items only seems to be about 15 minutes, it is easy to see that he loves moving and playing. We just go from toy to toy, and in between feedings and naps, this seems to fill our day. He squeals at each "station" overjoyed with the himself.

Trenton still loves the bjorn. Our newest adventure has been shopping in the bjorn. I take him to Publix all the time now. I grab the cart, and he grabs my wrists. Together we shop. It is amazing. So far, he hasn't made a peep grocery shopping. I think he is fascinated with all that is around him. Before we make it home (and Publix is only 1 mile away) Trenton has fallen asleep in the car. I always carry him to his crib where he continues to sleep for about another hour. Shopping is exhausting, I guess.

I never would have thought I would teach Trenton a bad habit, but apparently I have. To catch his attention when he gets fussy or upset, I do motorboat with my lips. Trenton absolutely loves it! No matter what is going on or the situation that upset him, he instantly smiles and laughs. Great, or so we thought, until a few days later when Trenton started doing it. His version is pressing his lips together and blowing so hard that he becomes red in the face. However, you get showered with spit, and the spit is also all over him. (Embarrassing in public!) This, in combination with the drooling, leads to one wet baby! The funniest part about it is that he randomly starts it. He'll look at you and expect you to do it back. If you ignore it, he keeps going and going waiting patiently for you to join in. You feel so bad looking at him because he just wants you to play "motorboat" with him. You end up giving in. I keep my fingers crossed that he'll learn the real way to do it soon or maybe completely forget about it.

Last but not least, Trenton's baths have become even more entertaining; both for us and Trenton. He has realized how much fun it is to kick the water and splash around. Thus, we have turned his baths into an almost every night thing.

What a fun little baby we have on our hands! We are so lucky!

Do you really think this paper is going to still in the picture now that I'm 5 months old?

Mommy got the picture with a her quick hand!

I might be little but I am still able to swing and play on the doorway jumper. Just wait until I'm older....I will dominate on this thing!

Drooling on Opa and Granna

Trenton is so excited about bathtime!

Is it time to splash?
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