Saturday, June 19, 2010

Reunion Weekend

This weekend was Mommy's high school reunion. It is hard to believe that it has been 10 years since high school! Our good friends Hank and Katherine came into town from Virginia Beach to go to the reunion with us. We hosted a get together at our house on Friday, in which our close girlfriends could introduce spouses and catch up. Out of the girls from high school, two are new mommies, two are preggers., one is newly engaged, and almost all are married...pretty neat to see how people's lives have changed! Trenton enjoyed meeting everyone at the BBQ, although he was in asleep by 7:30. Then he got to spend the night at Granna and Opa's on Saturday while we went to the reunion.

Trenton loves Hank!

Back: Chrissy, Shari, Lane
Middle: Me, Kaley, Cate, Kristen
Front: Katherine, Spring, Allison

Daddy, Mommy, Katherine, Hank and Trenton

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