Sunday, June 13, 2010

Thompson's Farewell

Our good friends from Franklin, John David and Lori, are moving to Africa for missionary work in July. We wanted to wish them farewell before they left so we had a little get together on the houseboat. The babies enjoyed playing in the blow-up pool on the top of the houseboat while the adults wake boarded, wake surfed, water skied and slalomed. Summer is definitely here! You could feel the heat so the little ones were running around in diapers to cool cute!

Mommy and Trenton play with Brooks and Mrs. Melanie in the baby pool.

Trenton trying to figure out the raft.

Daddy, Mr. John David, Mr. Jimmy

Mrs. Lori, Mommy, Mrs. Melanie

Trenton loved drinking water from his new sippy cup that Uncle Ryan, Aunt Suzy, Riley and Chase had given him!

GiGi and Trenton enjoying the evening on the top of the houseboat.

Trenton, Riley, Chase playing in the tube. I think they're ready to be pulled!

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