Our flight was slightly delayed because we were getting a bigger plane. He was very alert when we were waiting for take-off, curious about all that was outside the window. Granna and Opa gave him a new toy, a cell phone, so he could call Daddy on the trip. He like the noises it would make and luckily it fit perfectly in his mouth, a necessity of any toys these days. :)
It was recommended to me that I nurse at take off and landing to help with any pressure the baby might feel in his ears. I tried to time it perfectly, but Trenton couldn't wait. Luckily, he didn't appear to have any problems with his ears. Shortly after we were in the air, he was fast asleep. We had to bundle him up because it was cold. Mommy was able to take a little nap, too. Before we knew it, it was time to land. The two and half hour flight flew by! Trenton slept through the bumpy landing and woke immediately when the plane stopped. Aunt Jan, who soon developed the name Aunt Mimi, was waving through the glass windows at the DFW airport before we even made it out of the terminal. They were so excited to meet little Trenton!!!
Trenton is excited about his first flight!
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