Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy Birthday America!

Trenton's 4th of July was busy, but lots of fun! We got up early in the morning to make it to the Peachtree Roadrace before the roads were blocked for the runners. Since it was 5:30 when we left the house, Trenton got a nice nap in on the way downtown. He played for a short while before napping again before the start of the race. Surprisingly, it was a little chilly that morning (mid 60's) and Granna had to bundle Trenton up while he napped. Who would have ever thought a July morning would have been this pleasant! He slept through all the horns and sirens as the wheelchair race started. Luckily, he was awake when Mommy, Daddy and Uncle Brad passed by. (We were in the last block and didn't even start the race until after 9:00!) It was fun to have Trenton cheer on his Mommy, Daddy and Uncle Brad as we ran the 10K . We loved passing Trenton and seeing Granna hold him up. He smiled so big when he heard our voices. Granna and Opa said he loved watching all the people and activity. Mrs. Lorene joined them on the sidelines because Lamar, our family friend, was also running.

That afternoon, we went over to the Schappeler's for a cookout. Trenton loved playing on a blanket and watching everyone play cornhole. He was exhausted by the end of the day and fell asleep on the drive home from their house. It was not even 8:00 but it had been a big day for a 5 month year old. No fireworks this year, but lots of fun. Trenton had a great first 4th of July!

Trenton bundled up before the start of the Peachtree Roadrace.

Trenton with Opa and Granna while Mommy, Daddy and Uncle Brad ran the race.

Trenton was happy to see us when we joined him on the sidelines after we finished running.
Trenton with the runners

Yay, we did it! Mommy and Daddy finished the race!
Trenton playing at the cookout.

Mr. Erich and Daddy playing cornhole.

Trenton 25 weeks old
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