Monday, July 12, 2010

Trenton and the Twins

We had a playdate with the twins again today. They are so fun to have over. Although they are a couple weeks older than Trenton, the boys are really on about the same track with everything. It's perfect because we all can relate to each other. We love the fact that the Powell family lives so close and we can get together on a regular basis.

The boys love to play with their toys on a blanket. We better enjoy these days while they last, because before long, we'll be chasing them around the house!

Hudson climbs on Trenton as they play.

Trenton doesn't usually take a pacifier, but he can't miss out on all the fun Hudson is having! Trenton never really has understood the fact that pacifiers are to suck on, not necessarily chew. He goes to town chomping on the thing--probably a part of teething!

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