Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Happy 7 Month Birthday!

Mommy is never quick enough with the pictures. Everything and anything Trenton grabs. It is hard to have anything in your hands anymore. When he see something he wants, he lunges for it. The birthday sign is living proof.

Trenton's biggest accomplishment this month was sitting up. We surround him with toys and he plays and plays. There were a few crashes in the beginning but luckily no knots or bruises. He rarely wants to lay down. When we do get him down, he twists and turns. This becomes a problem at diaper changing time. We can't help but laugh each and every time we changes his diaper. We never know if we've straped the sides good enough and sometimes find out the hard way.

He is enjoying eating fruits and veggies even more. Peaches and sweet potatoes are recent favorites. Trenton loves to gnaw on the soft end of the spoon. Sometimes we end up giving him one to chew on in between bites. He is a messy eater too. We tend to go....food, bath, nurse, bed.

We have bought Trenton a couple new toys recently that are more engaging. He loves toys that light up, move, or make noise. The Melnick's gave him a little piggy that sings "This Little Piggy Went to the Market" while wiggling his feet and lighting up his toes. Suddenly he is fascinated with the piggy. He knows that the feet alternate wiggling and blinking so he turns to the next foot before it even lights up in anticipation of the movement and flashing. His other favorites are a toolbox and ABC catepillar (Granna and Opa's).

We had his big 6 month photo session this month. July and the south don't mix for pictures. We were pouring sweat and getting eaten alive by mosquitoes and it was only 9:30 in the morning. Trenton was hilarious, too. The photographer would want him to look a particular way and he'd always stare in the opposite direction. Then, he would get distracted by a branch or flower or leave and grab it. We had to be quick so that nothing made it into his mouth. We are anxiously awaiting the pictures and hope there are some great ones!

The birthday sign didn't last long next to Trenton.

Now we have to put it out of reach from Trenton.

Somehow Trenton manages to grab the paper again....this time it is a goner!
Surrounded by toys and loving the jack in the box.

Mommy thinks I'm cute even when I'm messy!

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