Sunday, August 29, 2010

Weekend Fun

Daddy had a guy's fishing trip and Trenton was in the middle of his second cold, so Mommy decided to spend the weekend with Granna and Opa. It was nice to have the helping hands since Trenton was back into waking up during the night all congested. It actually had dropped into the 80's (nice break from the 90 degree weather!) so Mommy and Opa took Trenton on a walk at Roswell Park. We also found Trenton his game day attire for college football.....gotta get ready for kick off next weekend! :)

On Sunday, we took Trenton to the nursery for the first time at church. We anticipated bringing Trenton last weekend, but that was the day he came down with his fever and cold so we had to postpone it. It was a little rough for the first time. Trenton was ready to nap before we even got there. The problem is, he is so engaged in what is going on around him that he can't sleep. When we picked him up, it was obvious the little guy had been crying. Poor thing! He fell instantly asleep on the drive home and we carried him to bed where he continued to nap for an hour and half. Hopefully the timing will be better in the future!

Trenton did learn a new trick to show Daddy when he got back. He smacks his lips all the time suddenly. Always something new!

Trenton loves Granna feeding him!

Playing on my palet.

I'm a pro in my exersaucer! I spin around in full force now!

Baths are the best with Granna!

I love relaxing on the swing and listening to the birdies.

Time for church! Poor Trenton was so happy at this point in the morning!

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