Wednesday, October 13, 2010

9 Month Check Up

Today we went to Trenton's 9 month check up. He weighed 18 lbs 9 oz putting him in the 24%, was 28 1/4 inches long putting him in the 50%, and the usual head circumference was in the 75%. Trenton has stuck to those percentages like no other, just dropping a little in the weight category. And, if you've seen him lately, he looks to be a healthy eater so we are not worried. :)

Since shots were not scheduled for this go round, we went ahead and had him receive the first of two flu vaccine. I wondered if the nurse even gave Trenton the shot as I was holding his arms and made funny faces with him. He didn't make a peep and just continued to giggle his sweet little coo. There wasn't any blood either. The nurse even had to comment about the our brave baby boy. We have a little tough guy on our hands!

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