Sunday, November 14, 2010

Biking the Silver Comet

For our birthdays, Granna and Opa gave Mommy and Daddy a child's seat for their bikes and Trenton as helmet. Since it was gorgeous outside, we decided to take Trenton on his first bike ride. We went to the Silver Comet Trail, a paved path that had formerly been a railroad connecting Atlanta and Birmingham. Half the leaves were gone, but it was really pleasant biking through the canopy of orange, yellow and red that remained on the trees. Although Trenton seems to get a little frustrated with the helmet, we think he enjoyed his first ride. He soon fell asleep for a quick nap but was awake by the time we returned from our ten mile excursion.

Daddy and Trenton as the Copilot

Little Lance in training!

Here we go!

Riding down the Silver Comet

There was a little bike shop along the path.

The fall leaves were beautiful!

Trenton is fast asleep on the bike ride.

That was tough work! Trenton needs some water!

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