Saturday, December 25, 2010

Trenton's First Christmas!

It was a beautiful white Christmas here in Marietta and we enjoyed spending the day at Granna and Opa's house! I guess we had brought the snow back from Colorado! It was the first time since 1982 that there was snow with accumulation of more than an inch. I think by the end of the day, we had 3-4 inches.

It was so fun to see Trenton's reaction on his first Christmas! He lit up when he saw his new toys Santa had brought him. Immediately, he loved playing with the Laugh and Learn Home. I think all day he would discover something new that the house did. They neat part is that he is almost a year so fully into everything. We can't wait to test out all the other toys!

Granna has handmade all our family's stockings. Trenton's is the 2nd from the right and perfect because it has deer and birds in addition to Santa. They are very special to us!

Mommy bringing Trenton down to see if Santa came......

And he did! Trenton must have been a good boy!

He LOVED is new Laugh and Learn Home that Santa had brought him!

He was excited about the wagon Granna and Opa had given him! We'll have to wait for a better day to test it out!

Uncle Brad helps Trenton unwrap their present to him. Oh yes, Trenton can't wait to take Uncle Brad on in a game of horse on his new basketball goal!

Thank you Aunt Jacquelyn for my basketball goal! I love it!

Trenton had to test out his new Alabama hat Opa and Granna had given him.

Oh look, Trenton and Daddy had both gotten new Alabama hats!

Opa helps Trenton unwrap more of his loot.

The snow is just starting to accumulate on the ground. We love a white Christmas!

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