Friday, January 14, 2011

Snowed In!

Well, it is our 5th day of being snowed in, and yes, we are getting stir crazy! Trenton has found new fun in the house, though, including climbing into the dishwasher, throwing "sock" balls while Mommy does the laundry, and chasing the broom while sweeping. Obviously, it is pretty hard to get chores done around the house these days because he is right there getting into the mess.

We sure feel lucky to have such great next door neighbors! Trenton and Rylan love playing together (really just the variation of toys at this stage) and I can't complain about the adult interaction. We have alternated days of hosting play dates so the boys can have a change of scenery while being snowed in. Although we are just feet away from each other's house, it is extremely icy out there and we have to be very careful walking next door. I can only imagine what the roads are like. Thankfully, we haven't had to drive anywhere yet and we stocked up with groceries last Sunday. Poor Daddy had to brave the roads on Day 3 to go to work. The melting is supposed to really start today.

Trenton in the dishwasher.

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