Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Trenton and Books

Trenton really hasn't gotten into books yet. He is just too active! Ever since he could move, that is the least thing on his mind. We are assuming it will change soon and that we won't have an ADHD child (just kidding!) but we have found one book he loves. Elmo Says was given to him from his Great Aunt Carolyn for Christmas and that is one that does interest him. Now, don't expect Trenton to sit on your lap for the duration of the book (or even the first page) but you can expect him to laugh and smile when you act out the different parts Elmo wants you to do. It definitely will catch his attention when you are reading it to him while he is playing, too. It sure is a fun book to read with him--Mommy loves this time because of his adorable reactions!

Trenton takes is Elmo Says book to his own chair.

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