Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Mr. Activity!

Trenton is full of energy these days and he is wearing me out! He is so active with everything he does. Mommy does her best to keep up, but it is definitely a chase throughout the day. This morning he was swinging from his clothes in his closet like Tarzan while climbing in and out of his laundry basket. Soon, he wore himself out and went down for his first nap. That is one thing we're certainly thankful for--a great napper! He still takes two a day and this is a well-needed break. We are glad he is on such a wonderful schedule. Both GiGi and Granna have compliemented how easy he is because of his schedule, so we are glad we worked hard to implement it from the beginning.

Dining out is entertaining these days, too. Trenton and Mommy met up with Mommy's friend Amanda for lunch at Fickle Pickle. He was toddling all about the restuarant when we first got there, smiling at each person who caught his eye. From that he went to turning completely around in his his high chair, to standing up in it (Mommy stood guard, don't worry!), to running around the picnic area of the restaurant after lunch. He met a little girl about a year old than him who would hold his hand while playing. It was cute. When we had to leave, she bent to kiss him good-bye, smack dab on the lips before I could react. Trenton then returned the favor with his wide-open stype of kissing. He is in a stage of loving to give kisses. Yes, he crashed on the ride home once again. But, less than an hour after we were home, he woke ready to go full force again.

It was outside playtime now. We took our infamous trike ride around the neighborhood while stopping at the playground to play. It surprises me that Trenton recognizes his own house at such a young age. He doesn't always see the front of it since our driveway is around back and we often playing the backyard. Nevertheless, he points at our house each time we approach it. Guess he has learn something more than how to open the mailbox and carry in the mail from our walks to the mailbox each afternoon. :)

Night came quickly and he was ready for bed. Sleep tight, Trenton, we know you have to re-energize for tomorrow!

Me Tarzan, You Mommy-Jane! I can already see Kevin in him!

Such a curious, mischievous face!

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