Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Sunday

Trenton woke up Easter morning at Granna and Opa's house and the Easter Bunny had come! Good thing the Easter Bunny left goodies, like this wheel barrel full of sand toys, because Trenton could care less about eggs today. We've had a slow decline of the last week: our neighborhood hunt-6, our church hunt-4, Easter morning-0. Opa even tried to show Trenton how to pick them up and put them in the basket. All Trenton cared to do was dump them out and go back to the wheel barrel. We'll give it another year, Trenton; you are still young!

Although the church was tough this morning--Trenton cried the hardest he ever has at the nursery--we thoroughly enjoyed our Easter. It was great to spend the day hanging out with not only Granna and Opa, but also Uncle Brad and Aunt Jacquelyn. (Thank goodness tax season is over!) Even more, we are thankful for our Savior and the life He promises through following Him. Happy Easter!

Trenton and the infamous wheel barrel.

Opa, Granna and Trenton in the park at church

Daddy, Mommy and Trenton in the park at church.

Granna, Uncle Brad, Aunt Jacquelyn and Opa

Trenton enjoyed his car ride up and down the driveway after Easter lunch.

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