Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Gaining Indepedence

Trenton has literally grown up before our eyes, and he is definitely not a baby anymore. His maturity shocks us, and he is so intelligent! We ask ourselves daily, how a 14 month year old could be so independent and observant?

He walks around the house saying "that" and pointing to things he wants to see or is curious about. Once you talk to him about it, he is usually fine, but there are the times he wants the item and it is something he can't have. We pick our battles and often take the battery out of the device so he can play with. From remotes to old cell phones, he is a part of the modern world loving technology. He also loves to look at pictures on the walls. Our family wedding picture is one of his favorites, and he points to different family members while you say their name. Often he repeats it. And then there is the picture of Trenton on Santa Claus' lap......each time he goes up or down the stairs, he automatically chants "ho, ho, ho.....(and then something along the lines of Merry Christmas!" because Mommy did that with him a few times. My how quickly he catches on to things!

Since Trenton loves to watch and point to airplanes in the sky, Mommy showed him to fly like an airplane himself. In our driveway, we hold our arms out and run around crazily. He laughs and makes the vrooming noise while enjoying every moment. How does he pick up on things instantly?! One time and now he starts doing it all the time--inside or outside! And by the way, if the word outside is said, have no worries, Trenton will be at the door waiting eagerly for you to take him out. It's only his favorite place to be!

Also, Trenton likes chanting songs. The "Itsy, Bitsy Spider" he enjoys the most. He mimics you with his hands, doing the gestures of the song. We probably sing it a few times a day now and it's fun. We'll have to find time for a Mommy and Me music class in our near future. The "Roll Tide" and "Go Dawgs" comes out now while lifting his fist above his head. Guess he's heard these phrase a few times!

He has really grasped the idea of "2" recently. Every time he picks up two of anything, he repeats aloud, "two, two" in his cute, little voice. We're working on three, but that usually only comes when we count to three before doing something, like going down the slide. He hasn't really started repeat that yet but recognizes that it is related to 2.

While outside playing he regularly picks up the baseball bat and ball to play t ball. It is one of the popular activities in our backyard. He can completely hold up the bat up himself, make swinging motions in preparation of the hit (because Daddy does that and he picked up on it!), knock the ball clearly off the t, chase the ball down, then bring it back to do it all again all with the bat still in his hand. He certainly is a strong boy, too! The bat is as big as he is!

He loves to feed himself now and gets milk with meals in his sippy cup. (We still give him a bottle before going down b/c it is still so soothing for him that we are not in a hurry to get rid of it.) Also, he doesn't always want you to tear his food into small pieces. For instances, bananas are a regular food right now, and every morning he goes to the counter near the fruit rack and points to the bananas. Then, knowing exactly what to do next, he toddles to his highchair ready for you to give him breakfast. So funny! He's always one step ahead now and it makes us laugh. But, we have to give him half the banana first because he'd shove it all into his mouth before you know. Being the big boy he is, he can bites off the banana all by himself, of course. He knows where certain food is kept in the cabinets, too, and will happily bring it to you when he wants a snack. Sometimes this is helpful, except when he wants three nutrigrain bars in one day! We do have a limit, Trenton! :)

Oh yeah, we can't leave off his belly button! Our little genius knows exactly where that is and goes around saying his version of belly button excitedly while simultaneously holding up his shirt.

We are impressed and happy that books are now a regular part of Trenton's life. It took some time, but with a week with GiGi and some persistence, he has come to enjoy reading stories. We read several often and there doesn't appear to be one favorite.

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