Saturday, May 28, 2011


Memorial Day weekend was spent up at Center Hill Lake with the Wagers. Trenton was able to really enjoy his experience at the boat this year. He loved driving the houseboat with PaPaw, splashing with the water table, dancing to the music, watching Daddy surf and wakeboard, jetskiing with Daddy, and spending time with his grandparents, aunt, uncle and cousins! We were thankful for the beautiful weather and safe trip up there.

Trenton drives with PaPaw.

Cruising the lake while enjoyed the top of the houseboat was perfect!

Trenton is geared up for his first real boat ride.

He has on the life jacket his Daddy wore when he was a little boy. There's no telling how many kids have been through it!

Trenton got a kick about of Daddy's water tricks.

Trenton enjoyed riding on GiGi's lap.

I'm always into sunglasses.....Trenton, they are upside down! :)

We've never seen a kid who likes to dump water on his head as much as Trenton!

He delights in the sensation of it dripping down his face and giggles in excitement at your reaction. No fear!

Chase has got the sunglasses on right!

Aunt Suzy and Riley enjoy their pina coloda during a swim break.

Trenton wasn't so keen on the vest when he had to sit down.....I bet you can see why.

The other kids fall fast asleep on boat rides, but not Trenton. It's too new and fun for him!

I'm about to go on my first jetski ride with Daddy!

Cousins.....they don't fit as well as last year!

Looking out onto the lake.

Trenton liked to climb in the ski boat and pretend to drive. All those exciting buttons and dials--any boy would be in awe!

We love watermelon! We love watermelon!

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