Sunday, June 5, 2011


I don't know why I never asked Trenton it sooner. Every night we have a prayer routine. Regardless of who puts Trenton to bed, we always start with the same phrase and then add something from the day to it. In typical conclusion, we say, "Amen." Trenton has always stared into your eyes while drinking his milk while you say it. A lot of times after the prayer, I'll also recite his "Thank You Prayer" book poem, which we use for teaching him the blessing, too. Suddenly a couple weeks ago it occurred to me to ask Trenton to say "Amen" after I said it. As if he had said it all along, he pulled his drink from his mouth and announce, "Men" He then repeated it a handful of times delighting in your smile and "that's right" reaction. To this day, each time after our prayers (or whenever Trenton hears the word Amen even) he responds immediately with a "men" himself, and numerous times I might add. We will eventually get the "a" part down to go with it. :)

1 comment:

  1. too cute! I cannot wait to hear him say "AMEN" later this week! Love and miss ya'll ~ cannot wait!
