Saturday, June 4, 2011

Centennial Olympic Park Fountains

Trenton has the book Good Night Georgia. In it, several famous landmarks and Georgia trademarks are mentioned. It is our goal to take Trenton to all of them so that he experiences Georgia completely. One place in particular is the Centennial Olympic Park Fountains. The park has rings that shoot up water. Kids love to play in it. There are also playground and field areas to run around on. Trenton and his buddy Will had a great time!

Trenton had no fear darting through the blasts of water to get inside the ring where he Daddy was.

Water makes him so happy!

Here I come again, Daddy!

Will and Trenton share the bucket.

Will with his Mommy. Looks like he's ready to go back through the water!

Future 2032 Alabama grads.....if Trenton's Daddy gets his way! :)

Snack time in the shade.

Back to playing on the playground.

Trenton was dying to try the zipline.

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