Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Blueberries Patch

Blueberries are one of Trenton's favorites, so what better time to go blueberry pickin' (as we call it in Georgia) then now. Some of Mommy's teacher friends and their kids came with us as we made it for the last day of harvest . Trenton was excited to get his own special pail for the berries. We went along the shady path to nearby shrubs. As soon as he saw me pick one, he knew exactly what to do. Green, blue or didn't matter to Trenton because he was picking them all. If any of you know our little eater, then it won't surprise you to know that all of his blueberries made it into his mouth, not his basket. We had a quick chat about the only picking the blue ones because those were yummy and the others were yucky, and he was fine after that. Once the picking got boring, Trenton resort to sticks, which were very entertaining to him. Every so often he would wander back to me to fill his pail so he could eat. We came home with about a pound of fresh blueberries. I'm sure it would have been more if we counted all the eaten ones. :) Next July, this is going to be a weekly routine!

Trenton has his pail and is ready to pick blueberries.

Here's a good one!

This was a common sight as Trenton realizes his pail is empty. Time for a refill from Mommy!

Trenton and Maddox loved the sticks and this allowed the Mommy's time to pick the berries.

He was such a big help at the blueberry patch!

Climbing on the trackor is always fun!

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