Monday, July 4, 2011

Our Firecracker!

It's off to the lake again! We were joining Kevin's family and a couple of their relatives from Indiana at the houseboat for the long July 4th weekend. Without a doubt, one of Trenton's favorite parts about going to the houseboat is seeing his cousins. Each trip bring new fun for them, and this trip was nothing out of the ordinary. Riley is such a helper with Trenton and watches over him like it's her own brother. Chase is full of love hugging all over Trenton these days. He has just recently learned to say his name and it is so cute!

It was a big weekend up on Center Hill Lake for Trenton. He had two first: 1) sliding off the houseboat slide and 2) tubing! Both were very exciting to him and didn't scare him the least. Our boy is definitely fearless in his actions, at least at this stage in his life, and because of this, we have to be extra careful. Nevertheless, it makes introducing stuff like the water sports lots of fun.

We weren't quite sure if Trenton would last through the firework display, especially since we were on Central time and wouldn't take place until at least 9:30. However, with his two naps that day, he made it! Although he became a little antsy and could not sit through the duration of the show, he did manage to relax on your lap for short intervals glazing up at the sky in awe of the explosions. I think a highlight from the firework show to him was the red, white and blue glow necklace GiGi had given him at dusk. He enjoyed swinging it around like a ninja and watching it glow in the darkness.

It was a wonderful holiday weekend, and we were glad to spend the time with friends and family. God bless America and thank you those who serve our country!

Daddy and Mommy with our little firecracker!

The brothers with their adorable kids.

Trenton was like a broken record recited "GiGi" and "PaPaw" all weekend long.

Trenton loved Erin playing with him on the boat. Thanks for the help! :)

Trenton is very determined. When he puts his mind to something, he concentrates so hard to accomplish it and gets frustrated easily if something stands in his way. Here, he builds an enormous tower with blocks.

Trenton had fun with Andie and Tate.

Trenton tested out the puddle jumper for the first time this weekend. We hadn't tried it yet since he was only 23 lbs and a good bit under the weight limit. He liked it (that is, in the water!)

Trenton and Daddy get ready to slide.

And they're off!

Daddy is still an amazing wakeboarder! He's his back roll flip.

We are so proud of cousin Riley who just learned to ski this month!

Daddy and Uncle Ryan return from a jetski run with Trenton and Riley.

Daddy is ready to take Trenton on his first tube ride. Riley is joining them.
Trenton and Riley trade glances as they tube the lake.

This picture cracks me up! Not only are Daddy's feet up in the air, but Trenton's little crossed legs are flying high, too. Hang on have precious cargo, Daddy! :)

What a big boy! Not even 1 1/2 and riding the tube! What a brave little fellow!

July 4th is here! Happy Birthday America! Trenton celebrates with some splashing!

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