Friday, September 30, 2011

Jaren's Birthday Dinner

It was our next door neighbor's birthday, so we gathered in our backyard for dinner.  Call it easy, but pizza was our speciality, that is of course, with GiGi's Cupcakes.  I'm not sure if you have ever had GiGi's Cupcakes--and no, this isn't Trenton's grandma GiGi, but a store in Marietta, but they are delicious!  Their creamy, rich taste is one to die for!  Even Trenton and Rylan liked their half.  

 Rylan and Trenton played while eating.
 Leave it to Trenton to slide with pizza in his mouth.  Our boy loves food!
 Make a wish!
 Although Trenton only had a few bites of his cupcake, he definitely enjoyed it.
Rylan was funny because he didn't pick his up at first to eat it.  Nevertheless, he ate his entire half.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Fall at the Zoo

The nice thing about having a membership to the zoo is that you can experience it during all seasons.  This trip was one of the most pleasant trips so far.  Besides the animals being very active, the you never broke a sweat.  Perhaps the highlight of this trip was the gorillas.  There were several  baby gorillas, one of which was itsy-bitsy!  He hung onto his Mommy's leg with all his might as she protected him. 

Also, as Trenton has gotten older, his ability to play on the playground has improved.  It took all four of us to make sure he didn't fly of the top of it with all his energy.  His favorite part is not only the school bus(which luckily is on the ground) but now the slide, which is scary because he takes several steps onto it before sitting down.   

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Trenton gets a kick out of his Mr. Potato Head toy.  Last night, he caught Kevin and  me by surprise when he run up to us while we were eating dinner with an enormous, mischievous grin.  He had on Mr. Potato Head's glasses!  It was the funniest thing--we had to snap a picture!  He proceeded to watch TV with the glasses on.  Now, he won't put them down.  They are his current preference in the toy box. 

Monday, September 19, 2011

Go Braves!

Trenton has been tomahawking for some time now, but due to the heat wave in the south this summer, we waited until September to take him to a baseball game.  Well, the final Sunday game is here, and it was about time we went.  Granna and Opa and the Vasells went with us.  The boys were very well behaved and we even made it through the last inning.  Although the Braves lost a tough one to the Mets, it was exiciting to take Trenton to his first of many professional baseball games!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Playing Pretend

Trenton likes to play in things.  From forts, to laundry baskets, to block containers, you never realized how much fun a 1 1/2 year old could have playing pretend!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Chicago is such a nice place in the fall!  Although the temperature was still warm, it was so pleasant, and since Chicago is such a friendly walking city, we thoroughly enjoyed our walks downtown.  We took the fall trip to celebrate Kevin's cousin's wedding.  Trenton and his cousins danced the night away.  He takes right after his Mommy!  However, I'd have to admit, the highlight of the trip for Trenton was not the rides on Navy Pier, or the indoor pool, or even the dance floor (that was tough competition!) but it was the elevator!  From Trenton's initial ride, he would motion his hands from high up in the air all the way down to the floor chanting, "down, down, down, down, down!"  He absolutely loved the elevator!  It was perfect entertainment at the hotel!

Daddy, Mommy and Trenton at the wedding
Aunt Suzy was funny playing with Trenton's fruit loops!
Trenton had the crowd in hysterics with his dance moves.  (Look at the girl in the background!)
Riley was a good dancing partner for Trenton.  He danced the night away, and even fell asleep on Mommy's shoulder while dancing out on the dance floor. 
Navy Pier with GiGi and PaPaw.
Trenton watching the boats out on the lake.
He even got to drive and little boat with Daddy, which he loved. 
Time for Trenton's first ferris wheel ride!  Up, up and away!
 What a special day....he even rode on the carousel! 
 He recited, "nay, nay" the horse sound as we went 'round and 'round.

 The bean is a landmark in Chicago, but of course, Trenton fell asleep when we left Navy Pier and walked there.
 Good thing it was a mirror for our family photo.
 He didn't even wake until we made it back to the pier.  We let him play in the fountain to cool off.
It was fun until he slipped and bumped his lip.
Trenton loved seeing Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Al!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Sesame Street Live

Trenton and I received a call from Mrs. Angel to go to Sesame Street Live with her and Will tonight.  Spur of the moment or not, we were game!  Trenton loves Elmo so how could we pass this up?!  We packed up Trenton's bag and headed downtown to Phillips Arena.  Both moms were extremely impressed by how attentive the boys were.  They watched every moment of the show.....that is, up until intermission when we left since it was already 7:30.  Sometimes it isn't worth pushing it, even when the kids are perfect and having the best time.  Thanks Angel and Will for the fun evening!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Catch a Wave

Kevin loves to take his boy out on the water.  Surfing is just one of the wild tasks they do together.  It is so fun to watch the boys enjoy the lake together.  Yes, the water splashing Trenton in the face since he is only a few feet tall isn't the highlight of the activity, but the trill and excitement of the ride makes it all worthwhile.  Trenton always responds "k" to anyone who askes him if he would like a turn.  Only 1 1/2, yet a true lake lover!  He's definitely a Wagers!

 That's my Daddy taking me on a surf run!
Surfing Center Hill Lake with my daddy!
Trenton even has the hand motions learned.  :)