Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Chicago is such a nice place in the fall!  Although the temperature was still warm, it was so pleasant, and since Chicago is such a friendly walking city, we thoroughly enjoyed our walks downtown.  We took the fall trip to celebrate Kevin's cousin's wedding.  Trenton and his cousins danced the night away.  He takes right after his Mommy!  However, I'd have to admit, the highlight of the trip for Trenton was not the rides on Navy Pier, or the indoor pool, or even the dance floor (that was tough competition!) but it was the elevator!  From Trenton's initial ride, he would motion his hands from high up in the air all the way down to the floor chanting, "down, down, down, down, down!"  He absolutely loved the elevator!  It was perfect entertainment at the hotel!

Daddy, Mommy and Trenton at the wedding
Aunt Suzy was funny playing with Trenton's fruit loops!
Trenton had the crowd in hysterics with his dance moves.  (Look at the girl in the background!)
Riley was a good dancing partner for Trenton.  He danced the night away, and even fell asleep on Mommy's shoulder while dancing out on the dance floor. 
Navy Pier with GiGi and PaPaw.
Trenton watching the boats out on the lake.
He even got to drive and little boat with Daddy, which he loved. 
Time for Trenton's first ferris wheel ride!  Up, up and away!
 What a special day....he even rode on the carousel! 
 He recited, "nay, nay" the horse sound as we went 'round and 'round.

 The bean is a landmark in Chicago, but of course, Trenton fell asleep when we left Navy Pier and walked there.
 Good thing it was a mirror for our family photo.
 He didn't even wake until we made it back to the pier.  We let him play in the fountain to cool off.
It was fun until he slipped and bumped his lip.
Trenton loved seeing Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Al!

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