Saturday, October 8, 2011

Hank in Real Life (Peachtree City Airshow)

We witnessed, perhaps the coolest thing in a long time; our good friend Hank fly--no blast--his jet in a local airshow!  The speed, maneuvers, and intensity of his performance had the entire audience in awe. We had a crowd of nearly 20 gathered to watch this special day in Peachtree City.  It was such a privilege to be able to witness this memorable event, and of course, visit with our good friends Hank and Katherine (and their family and friends.)   

It was about this time last year that we (Daddy, Mommy, Katherine and Hank) took Trenton to his first airshow while up in Virginia Beach visiting, yet this show surpassed that one due to the fact that Hank was a pilot in it.  We were prepared with ear muffs, which oddly enough, Trenton loved wearing, Trenton's own personal Hank and airplane, and lots of excitement.   We also had a wonderful time seeing Stephanie and her boy Will, who were able to make it out to the airshow.  Trenton and Will looked precious in their ear protection.  Can't wait for the next show!

 Trenton falls asleep the night before the airshow with his airplane and Hank in his hand. 
 Trenton meets the real live pilot Hank, not just his toy. 
 High school friends Katherine, Megan and Stephanie
 Daddy, Mommy and Trenton at the airshow.
 Trenton enjoyed all the activity.
 Daddy, Trenton and Opa watch the impressive planes.

 Trenton puts on his ear muffs and gets ready for the loud jet performance by Hank.  He points as Hank flies!
 It is hard to believe the pilot, going 700 MPH, is our good friend!
 Trenton played with GiGi while watching the show.
 Trenton and Baby Will are prepared for the loud noises of the show.
 Two of our favorite people:  Hank and Katherine
Hank shows Trenton is mask after we saw his unbelievable performance.

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