Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Granna and Opa's House

Trenton loves the change of scenery and his weekly slumber parties at Granna and Opa's house.  It cracks me up how anxious he is to tell me bye-bye and how excited he is to stay at their house.  It is definitely a good thing and we are lucky he is so social and comfortable in various environments.  Sure makes things easier for us!  Who could blame him?  Look at all the fun he has!

 Reading books now is lots of fun for Trenton.  He really investigates the pictures.
 Chillin' while watching Little Einsteins.  He loves to pat his legs and blast off with the characters in show.
 He creates fun anywhere. 
 This picture shocks me because Trenton looks so long!  Our baby boy is growing up too fast!
One of his favorite games is pretending to go night-night.  (You know when he's playing because he can't take the smile off his face!)

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