Friday, December 16, 2011

Carriage Ride

Horses are one of Trenton's favorite animals.  Yes, he has always been a fan of animals in general, but once Daddy put the horse on the ipad a couple months ago, Trenton became obsessed.  Together they named the horse "Joe" and now Trenton refers to almost all horses as "Joe" thinking they are all his famous ipad horse. 

When we heard the Avenue offered carriage rides during the holidays, we thought this was the perfect outing for Trenton.  He was delighted as he rode the horse drawn carriage with Mommy and Granna, but not so enthralled as he had to wait his turn to go on the carriage ride.  Patience has been a hard concept for Trenton to learn, but we are working on that and hopefully as he gets older he will get better with it.  Luckily, Opa was there to chase Trenton around, Granna waited in line, and Mommy could rest some--the pregnancy is wearing her out these days!

 Trenton learning how to wait his turn.
 Yay, Trenton and Granna are ready for the carriage ride!

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