Saturday, December 17, 2011

Dinner at Melnicks

Mommy's best high school friend Katherine and her hubby Hank (yes, we named Trenton's toy pilot after him since he flies in the Navy) were in town for the holidays.  It was great to visit with them and it was an extra nice treat that they brought their dog Lily, Trenton's long lost friend from Virginia Beach, with them.  Trenton loves her as much as Kiki (as Trenton calls Katherine) and Hank themselves, and I'm pretty sure Lily enjoyed him since every other piece of food made it to the ground.  Pretty soon he realized it and would give Lily his food on purpose.  Now that is what we need around our house while it is on the market! 

Mrs. Karen had toys sent out from went Katherine and her brother Michael were little.  He liked the blocks best and would take them apart.  He didn't like to put them together.  That was an "ut-oh" to him and he would quickly pull them apart as fast as you could build anything.   Mr. Larry was goofy with Trenton as usual, and taught him something very naughty--to say "Go Gators!" Can you believe that? a bulldog/crimson tide family!  Luckily it only stuck with Trenton that night.   

We had fabulous Chili, and Trenton made a meal off cheese, chips, and an apple.  That is how he is these days.  Our wonderful, not-at-all-picky-eater at all has vanished just like that.  According to fellow parents, we were lucky to have that eater for over a 1 1/2 years (they usually don't even last that long!)  We hope to see that eater back again one day! :) 

I think it was this night that Hank persuaded Kevin into running the Tough Mudder in Feb.  It's man time, as they would refer to it.   It is an 11 mile run through mud and various obstacles.  Best of luck boys! 

 Larry gave Trenton a Gator and said, "Go Gators!" only once before Trenton started repeating it.  At least he isn't doing the Gator Chop!  :)
 Trenton plays hide and seek avoiding putting his pjs on.  As he likes to say, "I'm nake!"  It is really cute!
 This picture cracks me up because Trenton looks HUGE!  By the angle, you'd never guess he was not even two years old!
Kiki would tickle Trenton, and he loved it!

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